
Installation of IBM WTX

Installation of IBM WTX

Importing and building type trees

Importing a type tree
  • Use the Importer Wizard to convert existing metadata into a type tree. The Importer Wizard can import various data formats to create type trees.
  • The Importer Wizard uses a series of maps to convert metadata into a type tree script file. The Type Tree Maker then processes this type tree script and generates a type tree that contains all the supported types that are defined in the imported metadata.
  • Many of the type trees that are generated by the Importer Wizard can be immediately used for map development. However, depending on the contents of the interface-specific metadata file, it might be necessary to modify the generated type tree by using Design Studio

Installation of IBM WTX


 You cannot simultaneously have a type tree open in Design Studio and import a type tree with the same name

You can obtain type trees in several ways:
  • Importing a predefined type tree from one of the Industry Packs
  • Using one of the importers to generate a type tree from a COBOL copybook, XML DTD, XML schema, and so on
  • Using the Database Interface Designer to generate a type tree for use with a database
  • Building the type tree manually in Design Studio

Remember that you must have a project created before you can create a new type tree. When building and validating a type tree, you must be familiar with the specifications that define your data.

If you import a type tree or use a predefined type tree, you do not have to perform all the steps. Depending on the type of data imported, you might have to define some additional components. In some cases, you only need to analyze the type tree that was imported.

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Mapping

Installation of IBM WTX

Here we define the map in the Map Editor where we specify the source of the input and the target of the output. Targets and sources are specified with map cards. Each map can have null or more input cards and one or more output cards.

Remember that there are two types of maps:
  • Executable map
  • Functional map

Executable map

The map that is responsible for the totality of your outputs and inputs is nothing but called as Executable map. The inputs and outputs of an executable map are entire files, messages, database tables, applications Etc. Think of an executable map as the main, top-level map. Executable maps are done through the compilation and run procedure.

Functional map

A map that is referenced by any other map through a map rule is nothing but defined as Functional Map. A functional map maps just one portion of the entire data. Data inputs and outputs are not specified in the cards of functional maps. Here in Functional maps there is no need compilation and run procedure.

To create maps in the Transformation Extender Development perspective:

  1. First go create a map source file with .mms extension.
  2. Next create the required executable map or maps in the map source file (.mms).
  3. Now, create an input card to represent your input data.
  4. Next, create an output card to represent your desired output.
  5. After this, in the output card, enter the map rules, specifying the logic that is necessary to transform the input data to the desired output data.
  6. Later, build the map, which creates a compiled map file (.mmc).
  7. Run the map.

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