IBM WTX Interview Questions Part I

What is release Character?
A release character is a one-byte character in the data that indicates that the character(s) following it should be interpreted as data, not as a syntax object. The release character is not treated as data, but the data that follows it is treated as actual data. Release characters apply to character data only, not binary data.
If a release character is defined for a type, a release character is inserted for each occurrence of a syntax object in the data of any item contained in that type.
IBM Maximo Interview Questions

What are the group subclasses?
Group types have a subclass of Sequence, Choice, or Unordered.
A partially-ordered or sequenced group of data objects. Each component of a sequence group is validated sequentially.
Choice groups provide the ability to define a selection from a set of components like a multiple-choice question on a test. Choice groups are similar to partitioned groups. A choice group is validated as only one of its components. Validation of a choice group is attempted in the order of the components until a single component is validated. If the Choice group has an initiator, the initiator is validated first.
An unordered group has one or more components. Unordered groups can only have IMPLICIT format property, with the same syntax options as sequence.

How to capture invalid records?

How will you relate Partitioning and Choice?
The components of a choice group are similar to the partitions of a partitioned type. However, a Choice group can have both items and groups as components. A partitioned Sequence group can only have group subtypes.

What is functional map?
A functional map is like a sub-routine; it maps a portion of data at a time. A functional is a map that is used like a function. It takes one or more input objects and generates one output object. For example, you might have a functional map that maps one Message to one row in a database table. Or you might have a functional map that maps one Header and one Detail to one Item Record.

Explain the use of Ellipses?
Use of ellipses option causes the lengthy object names to display the shortest possible object name. Rather than having the entire a name appear, unique portions of the names are replaced with a period (.) that is used as an abbreviation of ellipses (…)

What is Trace File?
The trace file is a debugging aid used to diagnose invalid data or incorrect type definitions. A map can be configured to create a trace file that can be viewed. The trace file is a text file that records map execution progress. Input data, output data, or both input and output data may be included in a trace file. Map settings and adapter commands are used to enable tracing.

What is workspace?
What are the methods to override input/output settings? Using RUN function and IFD settings. Data sources and targets, and other map settings, can be overridden from the Integration Flow Designer or when a map is run using the command server or the Platform API.

What is command server?
The Command Server is used to develop, test, and execute maps in development environments. It can also be used to execute commands in production environments but a single map at a time.

What is the purpose of event server?

The Event Server automates the execution of systems of maps and can control multiple systems. On Windows platforms, the Event Server runs as a multi-threaded service. On UNIX platforms, the Event Server runs as a multi-threaded daemon.

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